Sunday, June 30, 2013


19. Usually the health educator is a technical person who possesses technical information. It is not easy for the lay people to understand the technical aspects and the scientific facts on health matters easily. The health educator has, therefore, to use terms which can be immediately understood. He should avoid highly scientific jargon. For example, he should not say arthropod vector, he should say disease carrying insect. Terms like protozoa, parasite, virus, etc., should be avoided when talking to illiterate people. The word germ which can not normally seen by naked eye may convey something. Even that word will have to be properly applied and demonstrated.

20. Health education has for its ultimate goal to bring about the desired health related behaviour and practices. There may be many habits, customs etc., based on traditions, beliefs, attitude, etc., in the community. Any attempt of drastic or quick change of behaviour will not only be difficult but may generally cause unnecessary mental conflict and resentment particularly because the expected behaviour may be much contrary to existing cultural pattern. Health education should, therefore, start from the existing culture and gradually try at change of habit and practices. Moreover, the health education effort should aim at small changes in a graded fashion and not be too ambitious. People will learn step by step and not everything together. For every change of behaviour a personal trial is required and therefore the health educator should provide opportunities for trying out changed practices.

21. The use of suitable and objective audio visual aids is of great importance in any health education effort because the people will not evince sufficient interest towards lecture, talks and discussions. The aids provide not only a comfortable diversion but help in focusing attention on the essentials and giving the eye and ear a greater role in perception.

22. The basis of any education is communication. For people to understand and appreciate ideas, messages, methods, procedure, etc., with proper reasoning him communication should be simple, clear, brief and crisp. There are many principles of effective communication which require be carefully remembering and practicing by the health educator.

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